Lurch Deductive Engine

Tutorial: Connections among LCs

Connections among LCs

This tutorial assumes you know how to construct LC instances; if not, see the tutorial on Constructing LCs. This tutorial covers how to make, look up, modify, and remove connections among LCs.

(Each piece of sample code below is written as if it were a script sitting in the root folder of this source code repository, and run from there with the command-line tools node. If you place your scripts in another folder, you will need to adjust the path in each import statement accordingly. If you have not yet set up a copy of this repository with the appropriate Node.js version installed, see our GitHub README, which explains how to do so.)


LCs always sit in trees/hierarchies, and there are several important relations among LCs in the same tree, such as which comes earlier, or which is accessible to which, but the structure is always a tree. Sometimes, however, we want one LC in a tree to be able to refer to another one anywhere else in the hierarchy.

For instance, a step in a proof may want to refer back to a step earlier in the proof, or a subproof earlier in the proof, or a lemma several paragraphs earlier. One way to make those references is with connections. (It is not required that such references happen via connections, but connections make references easy to use, so they are good to use when possible.)

Tracking IDs

Before we can put connections into an LC tree, that tree needs to give an ID to each LC in the hierarchy, and enable "tracking" for such IDs, meaning that the LC class itself will record the fact that those IDs are being used for those LCs. Here we create an LC hierarchy and assign IDs to each of its nodes.

import { LogicConcept } from './src/index.js'

const env = LogicConcept.fromPutdown( '{ A { :B C } { :D E } }' )[0]
const A = env.firstChild()          
const B = env.index( [ 1, 0 ] )     
const C = env.index( [ 1, 1 ] )     
const D = env.index( [ 2, 0 ] )     
const E = env.index( [ 2, 1 ] )     

A.setID( 'A' )
B.setID( 'B' )
C.setID( 'C' )
D.setID( 'D' )
E.setID( 'E' )

console.log( env.toPutdown() )
// Console output:
  A +{"_id":"A"}
    :B +{"_id":"B"}
    C +{"_id":"C"}
    :D +{"_id":"D"}
    E +{"_id":"E"}

Where connections live

Connections exist in the LC hierarchy only as attributes stored in the LCs themselves. That is, if you want to know whether there's a connection from an LC $A$ to an LC $B$, you look at the attributes of $A$ and $B$ and see if they contain data about a connection between the two LCs. There are, of course, a whole host of methods for looking up and manipulating such attributes, so that the developer does not need to dig into the specific format of connection data storage and manipulate it.

But the point here is that connections are not a separate collection of objects that live outside the LC hierarchy. Rather, they are second-class citizens stored inside the attributes in the LC hierarchy. However, you can create JavaScript Connection objects based on that data, that make it easy to manipulate that data, and treat connections as if they were first-class citizens in the LC world. For more informations about the subtleties of how this works, see here.

Let's see an example.

Creating a connection

Let's pretend that $E$ needs to refer back to $A$ for some reason. Maybe $E$ is citing $A$ as a theorem that supports $E$, for example. Here's how to form a connection between them. We give the connection a globally unique ID (here we chose "con1") and some attributes (here just one attribute, that the type of the connection is "citation").

// Now let's pretend E needs to refer back to A for some reason.
// Maybe E is citing A as a theorem that supports E, for example.
// Here's how to form a connection between them; explanation below.
E.connectTo( A, 'con1', { 'type': 'citation' } )

This example is not intended to legislate any format for how theorem citations must be stored in the LDE. Rather, this is just a made-up example for the purposes of this tutorial. One should not assume, for example, that all connections must have a "type" attribute; it's just an example.

Note that all connection IDs must be globally unique. If you try to re-use a connection ID when creating a new connection, the attempt will fail and you will not actually create a connection after all.

Querying and altering connections

We can see that the connection was successfully created by querying it in various ways. Note that because the connection is stored as data inside LCs, it is guaranteed to get stored with those LCs if they are serialized for saving to disk or some online database. That is, if you have an LC hierarchy, you automatically have all connections within it as well.

// From E, we can ask which connections go outward to other LCs:
const outs = E.getConnectionsOut()
console.log( 'What connections exit E?', outs )
// From A, we can ask which connections come inward from other LCs:
const ins = A.getConnectionsIn()
console.log( 'What connections enter A?', ins )
// We can look up various things about any given connection:
const connection = outs[0]
console.log( 'Connection attribute keys:', connection.getAttributeKeys() )
console.log( 'Connection type:', connection.getAttribute( 'type' ) )
// Console output:
What connections exit E? [ Connection { id: 'con1' } ]
What connections enter A? [ Connection { id: 'con1' } ]
Connection attribute keys: [ 'type' ]
Connection type: citation

See also getConnectionIDs(), getConnectionIDsIn(), getConnectionIDsOut(), getConnections(), getConnectionsIn(), and getConnectionsOut().

As you can see in the code above, a Connection is a real JavaScript class. You don't have to build them using the connectTo() function in LCs; you can instead use the create() function in the Connection class, though that is typically less convenient.

If you have a connection, you can change its attributes with setAttribute() and attr(), which behave analogously to the functions of the same name in the LC class.

connection.attr( { 'color': 'blue' } )
console.log( 'Keys are now:', connection.getAttributeKeys() )
// Console output:
Keys are now: [ 'type', 'color' ]

You can also query a connection's source and target LCs. In the output shown below, notice that there are connection-related attributes hidden inside both $A$ and $E$. You as the developer do not need to bother with these attributes, nor understand their format. The API documented in this tutorial handles that for you. But the attributes you see below are the means by which connections are stored in an LC hierarchy.

console.log( 'Connection goes out from:' )
console.log( connection.source().toPutdown() )
console.log( 'Connection goes into:' )
console.log( )
// Console output:
Connection goes out from:
    +{"_conn target con1":"A"}
    +{"_conn data con1":{"type":"citation","color":"blue"}}

Connection goes into:
    +{"_conn source con1":"E"}

We can also tell a connection to remove() itself, and it alters the data shown above so that both the source and target LCs know that they are no longer connected, as shown below.

console.log( E.getConnections(), A.getConnections() )
// Console output:
[] []